Roma Mitchell Secondary College is purpose built to engage students in relevant and challenging learning. It provides flexible learning spaces and a ‘schools within school’ concept.
There are four campuses, girls only, a middle co-educational, a senior co-education and a special education campus, co-located onto the one school site. We build a sense of community by having middle schools and senior schools.
Students are encouraged to achieve their potential. We do this by having high expectations and setting high standards. We support and challenge students to be successful, by providing teaching and learning programs that incorporate higher order thinking skills and technology rich classrooms to foster creativity, innovation and design.
Roma Mitchell Secondary College is authorised as an International Baccalaureate school. The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) is a rigorous academic middle school (years 7, 8, 9 and 10) curriculum framework, which is being used in a growing number of public and private schools in South Australia, Australia and internationally. We use the IB MYP and the Australian Curriculum to develop our teaching and learning programs.
As a large secondary school, we are able to offer a broad range of academic and vocational subjects so that students are able to choose a university, TAFE or vocational education and training pathway. Students in the senior school (Years 11-12) will study the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Some students may also choose to study nationally recognised certificates in Vocational Education and Training (VET) at the same time as they complete their SACE.
We also offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (Years 11 and 12) alongside the SACE in the senior years.
The Special Education Campus and special classes offer a curriculum based on the Australian Curriculum and SACE, reflective of students’ needs on this campus. An interesting, challenging, and relevant curriculum is delivered that assists students to become as independent as possible and transfer successfully to an appropriate post-school pathway. We offer a specialised Enrichment Program, international and co-curricular activities.
We also deliver programs in sports, recreation, student leadership, the arts, and public speaking.
Our school has a Mathematics specialism and a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). We recognise that improving students’ mathematical and numeracy skills are the basis of all STEM improvement and students’ studying STEM subjects in the senior years.
We are dedicated to working closely in partnership with our students and their families or caregivers, so that together we can successfully meet the learning needs of each student.

Executive Team Left to Right: Lynley Johnston (Head of Special Campus) Jamie Annese (Assistant Principal Year 12 Executive Leader) Stammy Overell (Head of Girls’ Campus) Toni Carellas (Principal) Lorraine Securo (Deputy Principal) Rachael Weiland (Business Leader) Pepe Bouzalas (Head of Senior Campus) Darryl Ashby (Head of Middle Campus)