Special Education
The Special Education Campus and special classes offer a curriculum based on The Australian Curriculum and Modified SACE and is reflective of students needs on this campus.
An interesting, challenging and relevant curriculum is delivered, that assists students to become as independent as possible and transition successfully to an appropriate post school pathway. Opportunities for accessing subjects across the College may be negotiated on an individual basis.

One Plan
All students have a One Plan that is reviewed annually or on a needs basis with parent/caregivers and associated support agencies. The One Plan outlines student’s individual learning goals and adjustments made to meet them. All students will have goals relating to Behaviour, Social and Communication as well a goal relating to the Australian Curriculum or Modified SACE.
Teachers are responsive to students’ strengths, abilities and interests. They construct lessons that integrate PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), Proloquo2go and appropriate Augmented Adaptive Communication Devices to teach and encourage students to learn how to communicate their needs and desires. Teachers actively promote students’ communication through worthwhile and challenging experiences and interactions that foster improved skills development.
Transferring their mode of communication to various community settings that are relevant to the individual student needs. Requesting, transferring, understanding, commenting and recall. Individual targets are outlined in students’ One Plans.
Core Curriculum
All students study an ongoing Core Curriculum that is designed to meet their individual learning needs.
SACE, Australian Curriculum & IB MYP
In years 7 to 9 students follow the Australian Curriculum with relevant learning in each of the curriculum areas aligned to their One Plan goals. Curriculum areas include: Literacy/English, Numeracy/Mathematics, Science, HPE, Humanities, Technology and The Arts.
In years 10 to 12 students have the opportunity to follow a modified SACE Program. Students complete a modified Personal Project based on the IB MYP.