This is an enquiry only; it does not constitute an offer of enrolment. The school will contact you regarding the outcome of your application.
Proof of Residence
Proof of residency will be required as detailed below, in line with the Department for Education guidelines. You must give your child’s primary permanent home address, not a commercial, postal or mailing address.
Proof of residency requirements are:
For parents who own their own residence, they must provide one of the following documents in their name:
- A copy of the contract of sale for the property (or a recent council rates notice), or
- A recent gas or electricity bill for that property
For parents who rent their residence, please note:
- For students applying to start school for the next school year, the rental agreement must be current and cover the entire next school year.
- The rental agreement must be for the entire property. The renting of a room or rooms is not considered a primary place of residence.
- If your child is living with a relative or friend, the school will ask for supporting documents such as a parenting order from the family court confirming that the relative or friend is the child’s legal guardian.
- The school or preschool might ask you for other supporting documents to verify your child’s address.
You must provide the following document in the parent/s or carer’s name:
- A rental agreement that covers the first 12 months at the school, or
- A bond receipt lodged with Consumer and Business Services, or
- A recent gas or electricity bill for that property.
All schools will ask for current residential documentation when they make an offer to enrol and this may include additional documentation to determine the legitimacy of the application.
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