Vocational Education and Training (VET)
VET for school students is vocational training that is recognised in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and contributes to SACE completion. Vocational education and training (VET) at school enables students to develop technical skills and start their career pathway while at school.
Roma Mitchell Secondary College, in line with the VET school student’s policy, aims to enhance career education to help students to;
- Understand themselves and reflect on their ambitions, interests, strengths, and abilities
- Build and understanding about career options, pathways, the labour market, and employment in a wide range of industries and occupations
- Build connections between these concepts that allow them to plan and make decisions about their learning and work options.
To do this, we are supporting quality career education through:
- Assisting students to clearly articulate pathways through secondary school to employment
- Assisting students to enter pathways that have been designed in partnership with industry to identify qualifications appropriate for school students and that contain the skills, knowledge and experience valued by employers
- Supporting delivery of career education curriculum and planning
- Enabling quality career counselling and planning
- Bringing schools and industry together to provide opportunities for students to get exposure to industry and workplaces through industry immersion activities.
Flexible Industry Programs (FIPs)
Flexible Industry Programs (FIPs) are programs created to allow students to undertake VET courses while completing the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).
FIPs cover certificate II and III vocational education and training (VET) qualifications that industry consider suitable for school students. Students explore priority industries through quality career education, industry immersion, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, and formal qualifications. The programs have been designed with industry so students can gain relevant skills and experience that will lead to entry-level employment.
To find out more about FIPs please contact Zoe Wallin Careers and VET Coordinator, via email zoe.wallin728@schools.sa.edu.au
Pre-vocational qualifications
Pre-vocational qualifications are usually delivered in year 10. They help students explore their areas of interest and skills relevant to the workplace and specific industries. Students would generally complete pre-vocational qualifications before commencing a FIP. The experience can be used as evidence towards their VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) requirements.
Skills clusters
Skills clusters are a group of accredited units of competence aligned to the requirements of industry. They support students to develop competency and skills in a particular work area and can count towards a full qualification.
Skills clusters can be:
- Pre-employment industry licensing – for competencies that meet specific industry requirements (also available as a FIP)
- Introduction skills clusters – used in a similar way to pre-vocational qualifications to help students explore the pathway and VET environment. They may provide credit transfer in Certificate level II qualifications within the FIP
- Advanced skills clusters – for students who have completed a VET qualification and wish to continue on their selected employment pathway (also available in a FIP)
- Skill sets – nationally accredited skill sets that are recognised as suitable for school students (also available in a FIP)
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship allows students in years 10, 11, 12 or 13 to combine a VET qualification and paid employment while working towards completion of their SACE. The VET component includes on-the-job training with an employer or off-the-job training with a registered training organisation (RTO), or a combination of both.